Eliminate Your Claim Denials & Billing Headaches

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Integrity Practice Solutions is a multi-specialty Professional Medical Billing Company. A service dedicated to maximizing your revenue, accelerating payment, and reducing your receivables. We work with our providers and their staff to ensure HIPAA compliance, improve your billing operations, relieve office personnel of billing duties, and get a fair return for services provided to patients. From consultations to reviewing and negotiating insurance contracts, Integrity offers Medical Billing Services that will fit all your business needs.

IPS About Us

Revenue Cycle Management

Our Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) lifecycle runs from Patient Insurance Verification to Reporting that thoroughly covers every aspect of Medical Billing with surety of our providers getting paid appropriately on each claim.

Our RCM Process Consists of a Total 9 Steps:

  1. Pre-Visit Insurance Check
  2. Demographics Update & Claim Entry
  3. Appointment to Superbill Verification
  4. Charge Entry
  5. Clearing-House Reports
  6. Payment Posting
  7. Rolling Account Receivables
  8. Denial Management
  9. Reporting

Denial Management

Any denials that come up are worked on right away. The staff will analyze the reason for the claim denial and take corrective steps updating the information and re-submitting the claims or calling the insurance and having them reprocess the claims. Insurance companies bank on the fact that many providers will not do that since it requires hours and hours on the phone with them. We do not let them get away with that!!!

Our Denial Management process consists of:

    1. Identify Denial Reasons
    2. Analyze Denial Trends
    3. Prevention Team
    4. Tracking Denials
    5. Claim Analysis Team
    6. A/R Calling & Follow-up Team

Medical Coding

The medical coding process is essential for maximizing the reimbursement of each claim. With proper medical coding and reimbursement knowledge and clinical experience, we implement the correct and appropriate ICD-10, CPT, and HCPCS codes based on the records and reports from your medical practice.

HIPAA Compliance

Health data security is not only important, but it is also the law. Integrity Practice Solutions has extensive security measures in place to ensure that your data and processes are protected and in full compliance with all HIPAA security and privacy guidelines.